Frequently Asked Questions

Got Questions? I’ve got answers!

How will we communicate?

Every business relationship is different as is everyone’s preferred method of communication. Working virtually, we have several options: phone, email, web calls, and in some situations, text messaging.

Why should we work together?

In short, working with a consultant saves you money and time. You can learn more about the value of hiring a virtual consultant here.

Where are you located?

I am located near Williamsport, a small city nestled in the mountains of Central PA. Williamsport is known as the birthplace of Little League baseball and hosts the Little League World Series each year, but to me, it’s just a beautiful place to live. I have a home office, but I am completely mobile with the help of my laptop and WiFi.

What are your fees?

Business solutions aren’t one-size-fits-all, and neither are my services. After we discuss your specific needs, I’ll prepare a proposal for you that will outline the services I can provide and the cost associated with those services.

How does the payment process work?

We will agree on a payment schedule prior to any work being done, but invoices and payments will be handled electronically.

When should I hire you?

Overwhelmed by content creation? Ready to take the next step to grow your business online? Not sure what your “next step” even is? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, it’s time.

Still looking for answers? There are no stupid questions!